B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering (ME)
4 years (8 semesters) - Full Time Degree
AICTE - Apex body of Government of India
Dear Students,
I welcome you all to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Future Institute of Technology (FIT).
We are a young, dynamic and enterprising Department that believes in endowing the students not only with technological competency but also with real life application skills. We mentor our students to hone their attitude and personality to become a fitting resource both in terms of application, practice and management skills.
We orient students with academic as well as industry knowledge and develop themselves as savvy professionals who are willing to learn, apply and contribute towards greater good of society in the future.
We look forward to transforming you from eager aspiring students to confident professionals who can lead change, foster synergic growth and define a successful career path.
Best Wishes,
Dr. Asish Kumar Dey
Mechanical Engineering